Car Insurance Calculator

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Find out how much your car insurance premiums will be depending on your specific circumstances.

If you're driving in the UK and your car insurance is up for renewal, it pays to be clued up on the best car insurance deals. Cheap car insurance is often just a few clicks away, so long as you know where to look!

Using a car insurance calculator can be a great way to compare quotes from competing insurers. In this guide, we'll walk you through the factors an insurer takes into account, and how to make sure your car insurance comparison brings up the best deals possible.

In This Guide:

How is car insurance calculated?

Car insurance costs are carefully tailored to your specific circumstances. Quotes take into account a number of factors including your driving history, the type of vehicle you own and where you live. They use this information to build a picture of the likelihood they will need to pay out on your policy, and this risk dictates the cost.

Risky factors for insurers include:

  • Young Drivers – Under-25s are statistically more likely to make a car insurance claim than older drivers, and also do not have much driving history for an insurer to assess. Therefore, most are judged on a worst possible scenario basis, meaning expensive policies.
  • Unusual Vehicles – Cars which are non-standard, either because they are powerful, expensive or modified, are typically more expensive to repair should they be damaged. This increases insurance premiums, as there may be difficulties in getting hold of the parts needed to repair any damages.
  • Storage Issues – If you live in an area with a high crime rate, the chance of your car being damaged or stolen is much higher. For this reason, insurers often raise premiums for policyholders who don't have off-street parking or the use of a garage.

How could calculating car insurance costs save me money?

Using a car insurance calculator could help you to determine which policy to go for. There are many variables to consider, so being able to compare between choices should make the decision easier.

For example, if you're choosing which car to buy, a calculator allows you to compare car insurance prices between the different models on your shortlist. This also applies when choosing a level of cover. You can determine how third party car insurance in addition to fire and theft insurance on one model of car weighs up against comprehensive insurance for a different model.

You'll also be able to look into whether additional security features on your car could pay for themselves in insurance premium reductions.

Where can I find a car insurance calculator?

You're in the right place! Follow the link to our car insurance page, where you can calculate and compare car insurance quotes.

How much does car insurance cost?

Car insurance, on average, costs less and less the older you get. There are obviously exceptions where drivers have different driving histories and vehicles, but on the whole, you will generally pay less for car insurance as you mature as a driver.

The lowest-priced age group for car insurance is drivers in their 50's. Once you reach your 60's prices can begin to rise again, as crashes in this age group are slightly more common.

According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), the average cost of car insurance in the UK is £627 per year. This blanket average, however, encapsulates a wide range of policies. A new driver aged 17-21 can generally expect to pay over £1,000 for their car insurance. Likewise, if you're over 50 and have a good driving history, you may not have to pay more than £500 a year.

How can I cut the cost of my car insurance?

There are lots of ways you can reduce how much car insurance you pay, some of which include:

  • Pay Attention to Annual Mileage: Insurers often offer better premiums to drivers who cover less distance annually. This is because less time on the road means a lower risk of accidents. Accurately report your mileage; overestimating can unnecessarily increase your premium.
  • Drive Safely and Maintain a Clean Record: Avoiding accidents and traffic violations can significantly lower your insurance costs over time through no-claims discounts. Each year without a claim can increase your potential discount, making you a more attractive risk to insurers.
  • Consider a Telematics Policy: Also known as black box insurance, these policies monitor your driving behaviour and can lower your premiums if you demonstrate safe driving habits. Particularly beneficial for young or inexperienced drivers who are typically charged higher rates.
  • Choose Your Vehicle Wisely: The type of car you drive affects your insurance rates. Cars that are cheaper to repair or replace typically have lower insurance premiums. Before purchasing a car, check its insurance group rating; cars in lower groups are cheaper to insure.
  • Increase Your Excess: Opting for a higher voluntary excess (the amount you pay towards a claim) can reduce your premium. However, ensure it's an amount you can afford to pay if you need to make a claim.
  • Shop Around and Compare Quotes: Don’t automatically renew your policy without checking other offers, which is why comparing quotes is so important when it comes to finding a cheap car insurance policy that's right for your needs. Insurers also often offer the best rates to new customers, so switching providers can lead to savings.
  • Review Your Coverage: Make sure you're not over-insured. For example, if you have breakdown cover separately, you don't need to add breakdown cover to your car insurance. Similarly, if your circumstances change (e.g., you now work from home), update your policy to reflect your decreased risk.
  • Take Advantage of Discounts: Look for discounts for which you may be eligible, such as those for having a garage, being a member of a car club, or for advanced driving courses.

Get a quote or calculate your car insurance today

Whether you’re ready to get your car insurance quote or want to test how buying a new car could impact your overall car insurance costs, our car insurance calculator can help you make the best decision.

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Last reviewed: 1 March 2025

Next review: 1 April 2025